Sunday, September 23, 2012

Miyuki Nakashima best CD album

This is the best CD Album of Miyuki Nakashima best Album, the best collection of her most famous and finest Songs. Every song is very pleasant music and most of them are the creation of Miyuki.
You will not find this album is outdated at all, this is one of the best Albums of her, you can not miss this if you like Miyuki. 60% The Music had been converted into HK Cantonese Songs. You can see how powerful the melody of her songs are..... every songs are familar and her voice is so touching, if you could understand Japanese,... would be even better to read her heart.
HK Snob

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Miyuki Nakashima

This is a Promotional Copy of Nakashima LP. One of the favourite music I like, She is my favourite Japanese artist.
HK Snob

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Unfinished music No,1 Two Virgins. Yoko Ono/John Lenon

This is the rare and collection LP if you like John Lenon, who made such a daring Photo Cover. that would created criticism in that time of 60's! The LP is having a sleve that acts a clothes for John and Yoko. When you pull out the sleve, you can see naked John and Yoko.
This is hard to find and not cheap at all. John was much influenced by Yoko in a sense of Oriental "Zen" and liberation in thoughts and John's music.
HK Snob